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Frequency missing

title:Frequency missing
download page:link
genre:Audio Adventures
developer:University of Skövde
platform:Ios, Android
release:December 2018
last edit by:Dark


It has always been Patricia's dream to be an investigative reporter, and now she has the chance, a job with the well regarded radio station I.D.U.N, renowned for the most cutting and innovative news stories. Yet, three days into her job, Patricia finds herself waking up in the dark, prisoner of a bunch of the worst sort of crooks..

In frequency missing; , learn how Patricia's first three days on the job landed her in such a predicament, dealing with a grumpy boss, arrogant manager, and a missing colleague along the way. Hobnob with high society , snoop around for clues, solve puzzles, and interview suspects all whilst trying to get a hot scoop to make your name in the world of journalism.

Though in some ways Frequency missing works in the same way as most adventure games, moving to different locations, examining everything that isn't nailed down and choosing options in conversations from a menu, Frequency Missing also employs a rather unique system for finding it's objects, people and exits. Inspired by point and click adventure games, run your finger across the screen and listen out for the sounds of what is around you. Once you hear the "click", it means that you can interact with what you've found by just lifting your finger. This means you get to really play investigator and need to physically explore the screen in each location to find everything, and only then decide what to do. Combine this with the games Jazz soundtrack and mid twentieth century setting, and you can just sit back and revel in the atmosphere.

With a host of professional voice actors, and a script which is drily funny, it's actually amazing given the games' quality that it's absolutely free.

The above link will download the android version, the Ios version can be found by searching for Frequency missing on the ap store.

As with all Ios titles check out The applevis page for frequency missing, and Check out this podcast, about the game.

Despite it's short length, the colourful characters, twisty story, and constant exploration makes this an absolute must for adventure and mystery fans, and indeed anyone who really appreciates an incredibly well put together audiogame.

Happy investigating.


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